After completing the singing, the cobbler came to me. The compassion was overflowing from his eyes. His two eyes were suggesting the experience of self.
Read MorePart 4 – Chapter 2 – Srī Siddhendra Yogi – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam
My journey continued from morning till noon. I saw a village with small houses. The pangs of hunger increased and troubled me. I am a Brahmin and can take meals only in the house of Brahmins. I cannot take meals elsewhere. I thought of preparing the meals myself if someone provides the materials.
Read MorePart 3 – Chapter 2 – Srī Siddhendra Yogi – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam
merchant named Dhananjaya found the Shiva linga consecrated by Indra and informed the matter to the ruler of that region called Kula Sekhara Pāndya. Following the command of Shiva, Kula Sekhara Pāndya developed it and built a town there. He named the town as Madhura
Read MorePart 2 – Chapter 2 – Srī Siddhendra Yogi – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam

I (Shankar Bhatt) was recollecting the strange experiences in Marutva Malai and continued my journey while mentally chanting the glorious name of Srīpāda Srīvallabha. I visited many holy places on the way. I was getting food without soliciting anyone for it. This was a rare experience. I felt that the weight of my body was gradually coming down after I reached the Kadamba forest in the Pāndya kingdom. There was a Shiva linga of great power in that forest.
Read MorePart 1 – Chapter 2 – Srī Siddhendra Yogi – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam
One relative of king Agrasena by name Kusuma Shreshti was ruling that region in accordance with dharma with Brihat Sila Nagaram as his capital. The Kusuma Shreshti couple were righteous people with good conduct. They were doing many good deeds like yajnas and yagas. Bhaskarācharya was the guru of the king and very close to Kusuma Shreshti.
Read MorePart 4 – Chapter 1 – The Encounter – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam
According to Datta Purāna, Srī Dattatreya incarnated as Dharma Sāsta. When that Lord took birth as the son of Hari-Hara, He arrived at the capital of the kingdom riding on a tiger. Devendra took the form of that tiger and served as a vehicle for Ayyappa Swamī or Dharma Sāsta.
Read MorePart 3 – Chapter 1 – The Encounter – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam

That aged sage began his narration, “My son, in the Godavari region of Andhra Pradesh there is an ancient village called Atreyapuram, which was famous as a land where sage Atri conducted austerities.
Read MorePart 2 – Chapter 1 – The Encounter – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam
I was looking into those caves with the hope of seeing any great person. I was hoping to get lucky by seeing one of them. However, a tiger was standing at the entrance of one cave. At the sight of the tiger, trembling and tremor started in all my limbs. Agitated with great fear, I cried aloud at once, “Srīpāda! Srīvallabhā! Datta Prabhū!” in despair. The tiger stood still like a domestic animal. An aged sage emerged from the cave. The entire area of Marutva Malai reverberated with the name of Srīpāda Srīvallabha all at once.
Read MorePart 1 – Chapter 1 – The Encounter – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam
This publication of the World Teacher Trust is intended to inform about the incarnation of the Cosmic Teaching Principle as it exists in Sirius and its incarnation upon Earth from time to time, to give impulse to wisdom teachings upon Earth.
Read MoreIntroduction – Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam