After completing total of 6 chapters of the divine book “Scribblings of A Shirdi Sai Devotee” written by an ardent and staunch devotee Shri Suresh Chandra Gupta ji from New Delhi, we are now heading towards chapter 7. In this chapter poems garnished with author’s love and devotion towards Sai Baba are shared.
Devotee readers who have missed earlier chapters can read from the links below.
1. I Sing For You Alone O’ Sai
I sing my songs
For you alone, O’ Sai
Whether someone else likes these or not,
Is not my concern.
I endeavor merely to dress up
My feelings with the clothes of words
And when my songs emanate
From the core of my heart
And provide bliss to my soul.
How could it then be that my Sai remains
Unaffected by their joyous strains?
It my firm belief
My Sai likes my songs
How otherwise could He
Keep on listening to the out-pouring of my heart
Day in and day out
How otherwise could He keep in bearing the burden
Of my tuneless strains.
And the perennial flow of blissful tears from my eyes.
I, a mere ignorant child,
What do I know of the intricacies of music.
But who could prevent me
From crying?
From the cries of its child
The mother knows what it needs
How on earth then my Sai
Wouldn’t know the cravings of my heart?
My songs provide me joy
Whether these contain “Sur”, “Taal” or “Laiy”
Is immaterial
These can surely remain not
Without providing joy to my Sai.
2. The Struggling Soul
All my life was spent
I seeking the pleasures of life
The desires chasing me
Right and left
Within me and outside me.
A moment came
When all seemed to have been transformed
As Sai entered the portals of my head and heart
All my desires, all my thoughts, all my yearnings Evaporated into thin air
And what was left was a soul struggling
To make Sai the be all and end all of my life.
Bow to Sai, Peace be to all
Continued…Chapter 7 Part 2
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