Stories from pages of history during the times of Sai Baba of Shirdi are the subject matter of this blessed blog right from day one. We have been peeping into lifestyle, teachings and philosophies of Baba here and learning how to take care of seed of Bhakti – Devotion towards Sai Baba by us. Knowing more about Baba is always a concern of Sai devotee irrespective of time span of acquittance with Him. Very rarely a thought how can this devotion be cultivated, nurtured and increased in its real sense is taken care of. We just run with crowd many a times and thus innner voice, though heard, is always ignored. Sometimes we imitate devotees of Baba or older personalities without any practical thinking from our side, thereby changing our perception towards devotion. All this was due to lack of correct information and continuously flowing wrong facts from all sides.
I, before few days, came in contact with a book “Scribblings of Shirdi Sai Baba” written by an ardent and staunch devotee Shri Suresh Chandra Gupta ji from New Delhi. The book contains many scribblings which every devotee must adhere. Considering it as an eye-opener for all of us, one of my Sai brother intervened and took permission to share entire book on this blog. It contains a clean and clear insight with regards to devotion to Shirdi Sai Baba and it may be possible that we get some correct facts so that we can collect, gather and start acting on them. My heartfelt thanks to Shri Suresh Chandra Gupta ji for serving us with such a great spiritual feast.
In this post, i am covering introduction, foreword, preface of the book and a word about the second edition and later on individual chapters will be posted in parts.
‘What shall I gain by attaining Mukti
Where you will not be there
Where my soul would have merged in the Supreme.
Where I shall cease to exist as I,
And cease to experience your grace as before’.
This is the supplication of an ardent and staunch devotee, addressed to Lord Sainath Maharaj, after totally surrendering {saranagathi) to Him. In order not to miss His Grace, even ‘Mukti’, the highest of the human goal, is spurned by Sri Suresh Chandra Gupta, in one of his poems : ‘No desire for Mukti”. This clearly indicates the Author’s devotion to and love for Shirdi Sai Baba.
Starting with a brief, but informative, life sketch of the Great Master, the Author lists His assurances, pledges, ‘charters and sayings’ – which remind a devotee of the vibhodi yoga in Bhagavat Gita wherein Lord Krishna proclaims His Divine glories, after asserting “Neither God nor the great sages know the secret of my truth, for I am the prime cause in all respects of gods as well as the great seers.” Baba similarly declares: “I am not the body or the senses. I am the eternal ‘Sakshi’.” Just as Lord Krishna is a Poorna Avtar, Sainath is also a Poorna Avtar, besides Shiva, Rama, Maruthi, Dutta and many others.
The Author explains his three thrilling personal Sai experiences, which transformed his life, instilling in him staunch faith in Baba, who saved a relative from the clutches of death, rid his daughter of high fever and brought about a marriage even after the negotiations had failed.
The unique feature of this highly interesting book is an authentic account of how Baba came to Delhi, the genesis in I960, of the Delhi Sri Sai Samaj and Sri Sai Bhakta Samaj, in 1966, through the efforts of Sri Chitnis, and their growth.
Baba was practically unknown in Delhi and the North before 1960. The great Apostle of Baba, H.H. Sri Narasihma Swamiji, Founder President of All India Sai Samaj, Madras (now Chennai), who took, Baba’s name and fame out of Maharashtra, had also done stupendous Sai Prachar under trying circumstances and against all odds. He had succeeded in making Baba known in the then Madras Presidency and Andhra. He had also visited Calcutta and a few other places where small sections of people came to know about Baba.
H.H. Sri Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji, Founder-Patron, and chief disciple, assisted his Master to some extent and carried on Sai prachar in Karnataka (then Mysore State) coming to Bangalore in 1952, deputed by his Master.
Sri S.C. Gupta, the author, was the chosen messenger of Baba to carry His Form and Teachings to the people of Delhi, sweating and toiling, collecting funds and holding Pujas, attended by Rashtrapathi – Dr. Shri Rajendra Prasad; the Speaker of Parliament; Central Ministers and M.Ps. The Delhi Sri Sai Samaj, after doing solid prachar work and turning numerous devotees ‘Babaward’ and distributing Sai literature, was subsequently wound up. The author had the good fortune to be closely associated with all His work, besides taking active part in the construction and acquiring land for the now very popular, Lodhi Road Sai Temple, which attracts thousands of devotees these days.
Details of the author’s visit to Shirdi and meetings and darshans with Paramahamsa Omkara Swamy and Sri Sivanesan Swami, who served Baba with utter devotion and humility for 43 years, helped and blessed thousands of devotees from India and a few from abroad also, make interesting reading.
There are comments, mildly critical in some cases, on Bhakti, Gurus and Sadgurus, miracles, building of new temples and new concepts in Sai Bhakti which are thought provoking. The poems addressed and offered to Baba are soul-stirring, reflecting the outpourings of a pining and loving heart.
The book has Hindi section also, on which I have no competence to comment. Well designed, produced and reasonably priced, it will be a worthwhile acquisition for Sai devotees.
August 22, 2002
R. Seshadri President,
Sri Sai Spiritual Centre
With the Blessings, Mercy and Grace of the Great Saint, Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi, we venture to pen down a few lines as an introduction to the “Scribbiings of a Shirdi Sai Devotee” written by the staunch devotee, Shri Suresh Chandra Gupta of New Delhi.
Till early sixties of the last century, most people in North India had not heard about this great Saint In an around 1963, on my posting to Delhi, my wife and I had opportunities to attend Baba’s prayer meetings being conducted in Shan Nagar (now Bharati Nagar). It is here we came in contact with Shri Suresh Ji, the author of this book. We have been observing for the last four decades, his ardent and selfless devotion to Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi and total involvement in establishing Baba’s faith. We, like many others in and around Delhi,’ are his admirers.
Most literature available on Baba generally contains Baba’s Life Story, His Leelas and Devotees experiences. The present book, we consider is unique in its contents. It lays stress on various aspects of Sai Bhakti as also the pitfalls encountered by devotees. The analysis of Baba’s utterances in Chapter Two provides, in brief, a peep into the ways of working of Baba, and the assurances given by Him should provide impetus to Devotees to take to the sacred path of Sai Bhakti.
Chapter Three leads us to an insight into the manner in which the seeds of Sai Bhakti germinated and blossomed in the heart of the author and provided him urge, strength and courage in pioneering to initiate Sai doctrines and teachings amongst citizens of Delhi. At a slow but steady pace, the awareness of the ‘Sat-Chit-Anand Swarup’ of Baba gradually grew in Delhi. Soon after the establishment of Shri Sai Baba Temple on Lodhi Road in New Delhi, there was unusal awakening amongst citizens of Delhi and surrounding areas about Sai Bhakti. With Baba’s Grace, the fragrance of His Bhakti has spread far and wide in North India and, today, many temples have come up not only in big towns, but even in far off and inaccessible places.
In Chapter Four, Shri Gupta has raised pertinent issues, which need devotees to look deep within the crevices of their own hearts to find answers. The author is of the view that the path of Bhakti, shown by Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi, is simple and easy to follow and should remain as such.
Poetic compositions of the author show his complete surrender and dedication. Every syllable of his in praise of Shri Sai seems to have come out from author’s heart spontaneously. The wordings have moved us emotionally and produced distinctive vibrations. It is suggested that these poems may also be published seperately in the form of a pocket size booklet, sutaible for devotees to carry in their pockets.
Efforts put in by Shri Suresh Chandra Gupta in contemplating the book is laudable. He has accomplished this task within a very short period due to Shri Sai Baba’s Grace. The contents of this book, we are sure, will inspire the readers and cement their faith in Shri Sai Baba, which is the aim of the author.
August 21, 2002
Brig. (Retd.) Adi K. Sahukar
Mrs. Nergish Adi Sahukar
F-2/9, Salunke Vihar, Pune
During the last 20 years or so, as more and more people are being drawn to the Great Saint of Shirdi, quite a number of devotees of Baba in Delhi have prevailed upon me to write down, ‘How Baba came to Delhi’, for the benefit of present and future devotees. Whenever I sat down to do so and as I proceeded further with the story, a thought would over-power me, “For whom do you want to write down this account. The One who should know, is already aware of every thing and of what use would it be for others to know”. On the persistent demand of some of Baba’s devotees and with His Kripa, I have now attempted to narrate the events. At every step, while doing so, I have been conscious if it was my ego which was prompting me to do so or was I projecting as true a picture of the events as possible. I could pray to my Baba not to allow my ego to prevail and merely make me an instrument to project the facts as truly as possible for an insignificant devotee of His. If I have failed at any step, I shall hold human weakness responsible for it and implore Baba’s and your forgiveness for it.
It would be highly impertinent to say that the foundation of Baba’s work in Delhi was laid the day Shri Yagnik of Jaipur prompted me to do so and come out of my house, spread Baba’s message and bring Sai devotees on one platform. Baba was being worshipped by a few of His devotees in Delhi even before and would continue to be so worshipped when water bubbles of my sort fade into oblivion. Today, I am fully convinced that Baba does His own work and requires no agents or gurus for this purpose. In our ignorance we may feel puffed up by our efforts, but not a blade of grass can move without His command. As Baba had said in His life time, He draws His devotees to Himself as a bird is drawn with a string tied to its feet.
When I started on this path, not many people knew about Baba in North India. In Delhi, one could not even find a small picture of Baba what to talk of Sai Satcharita. Today when I see pictures of Baba pasted on two wheelers, cars, buses and thousands of devotees flocking to Sai Mandirs coming up not only all over Delhi but the whole of North India, who could be happier than I. It is all His Grace.
I have perhaps been a little harsh in my observations on various aspects of Sai Bhakti in Chapter 4 of the book entitled, ‘Stray thoughts on various aspects of Sai worship.’ While expressing my views, I have been fully conscious that a devotee should shun all criticism. I may assure the readers that whatever I have scribbled is based on my personal and practical experiences during the course of my working and has been written solely with the intention to make devotees conscious that we must all endeavour to adhere to the path shown by Baba in His life and living and discourage the emerging divergent trends. Unfortunately, no forum seems to exist for providing guidance to the ever increasing number of Sai devotees, particularly in the North. A devotee on experiencing the Grace of Baba in some way or the other, when takes to Him, he/she adopts the approach being followed by other devotees around him, or else goes to a Guru, who draws him more to himself rather than to Baba. I have even seen queries from foreigners as to who Baba was and what He stood for, which have remained unanswered. In my view there is a definite need for providing proper and organised guidance to the devotees, not only in India but all over the Globe, for creating awareness in them about the principles and precepts Baba advocated and lived for.
In prompting me to pen down this story, as also in drawing me out from my seclusion, which I had taken to, after my resignation from the secretaryship of the Lodi Road Temple in June 1980, the contribution of my co-devotee Shri Motilal Gupta, Founder Chairman, Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Society, Sai Dham, Tigaon Road, Faridabad (Haryana) has been tremendous. In fact, it is his prompting alone and of course Baba’s Grace, that it has been possible for these compositions to see the light of day. I am also grateful to him for providing all secretarial help in bringing out this book.
My heartful thanks are also due to Shri Vijay R. Raghavan of Sai Security Printers Ltd. for having undertaken the task of printing this book.
Shri Sai’s Grace be ever with all who have contributed to the compilation and publication of this book!
17th August, 2002
Suresh Chandra Gupta
‘Sai Sadan’
5, Green Park Main
New Delhi- 110016 Phone :011 26865450
“They alone who are fortunate and whose sins have been washed away, take to My worship. If you always utter ‘Sai Sai’, I shall take you over the seven seas. Have faith in these words and you will certainly be benefited. I need no paraphernalia of worship – either eight – fold or sixteen – fold. I dwell where there is full devotion.” – Baba
A Word about the Second Edition – Scribblings of A Shirdi Sai Devotee (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
Baba’s bounteous ‘Kripa’ and my fellow devotees’ loving response has made it possible to bring out the revised and enlarged edition of this book “Scribblings of A Shirdi Sai Devotee”. While the Hindi section has been deleted from the book since it now forms part of my Hindi book, “Sai Bhakti Ke Path Par”, three new chapters have been added to it.
I beseech my readers not to seek in my writing the knowledge of a seer, the language of a master or even the ‘bhav’ of a true Bhakta. In my child-like audacity to write, Baba makes this old hand to move and its merely scribbles. Whether my words generate some thoughts, provide some music to the soul or are even worth the paper on which written are for HIm and you to judge. But since these words have moved my own heart occasionally, I am constrained to think that these will surely provide joy to the hearts of many a devotee of my ilk. If so, the labour put in by this worn out body will be worth it.
The contribution of Shri Vijay Raghavan of Sai Press India Pvt. Ltd and Shri Motilal Gupta of Sai Dham, Faridabad has again been tremendous. A grateful heart prays to Baba to bestow on them more and more capacity to serve Him, heart and soul.
May Baba’s grace ever be with all His devotees !
Gurupoornima, July 21, 2005
Suresh Chandra Gupta
‘Sai Sadan’
5, Green Park Main
New Delhi- 110016 Phone :011 26865450
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I am experiencing the divine miracles of my saviour Shirdi Saibaba during the most difficult times of my life . (Right from my childhood to till day.)
Sai Ramji Anonymous ji,
It would be our pleasure if you can share your experiences.
Kindly Visit this link : Share your experience here
Love you so much my beloved, hope that you will listen to my prayers and answer me.
just registered and put on my todo list
hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read.
pretty cool stuff here thank you!!!!!!!
Great blog post, been after something like that!!
I am really moved from the reading & your efforts for wrting the scriiblings of Sai Baba. Although I just have read the introduction of it, but I can feel the great feelings. I have expreinced Baba's blessing in my past year, will surely write & share my experince with all soon. May bless us all & may we are able strengethen our faith in him.
God bless us all
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Love you Baba. Jai Sai Samarth!
Aum Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva!
Digambara Digambara Sripada Srivallabha Digambara!
Digambara Digambara Srichakra Dattatreya Digambara!