We are very glad and delighted to share with you all a hidden treasure “Sripada Srivallabha Charitramrutam” in English in the text as well as in video format. The resource though present on the internet seems hidden from our readers. It is Sai Baba’s direction that we are starting to share with you all. With Sai Baba’s grace, we came in contact with a group who are into making available the content in the video format as well. Videos will be shared at the end of each post. It is going to be lengthy and at times reading a small part in a portion will only help to understand it better. So we have planned to share the sacred text little by little. The video format starts from the first chapter and so we will be sharing the video in the next post. As of now please go through the foreword and introduction about the book and author.

This publication of the World Teacher Trust is intended to inform about the incarnation of the Cosmic Teaching Principle as it exists in Sirius and its incarnation upon Earth from time to time, to give impulse to wisdom teachings upon Earth.
The Earth has a Hierarchy of Teachers, popularly known as the White Brotherhood, whose abodes are in all important mountain ranges on Earth, with their main centers in the Himalayas. This Hierarchy is guided by Sirius, where the Great Grand White Brotherhood exists headed by the Cosmic Teaching Principle. This Cosmic Teaching Principle is known as Lord Dattatreya in the ancient Indian scriptures. He is always surrounded by dogs representing the Dog Star, also known as Cerberus and Sarama. The dogs are representatives of their watchfulness. The evolution of beings on this planet is however overviewed by the Cosmic Teaching Principle residing in Sirius. Sirius, being south to our system, has the teaching principle essentially of Love-Wisdom. Love is the fundamental principle upon which Wisdom is taught by every true teacher.
The head of the Hierarchy of Teachers upon Earth is called the World Teacher and the teacher who presides over the World Teacher, stationed in Sirius, is called the Teacher to the World Teacher or the Cosmic Teacher. The World Teacher is known as Lord Maitreya while the Cosmic Teacher is known as Lord Dattatreya.
Lord Dattatreya happened to manifest in the 14th century as Srīpāda Srīvallabha in Pīthikapuram, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, South India. He lived for 30 years in the body, conducted extraordinary acts, and taught in the simplest way the Synthesis of Wisdom. He proclaimed himself that He would be reborn two more times, one time as Narasimha Saraswati and another time as Swami Samarth. Through these three incarnations, He fairly established a way of life where Synthesis of Wisdom is followed in daily life. He simplified many an orthodox practice. He laid a simple path to the truth, devoid of technicalities and specialties, which enabled common men and women to follow the Path of Light.
His inspiration spreads itself far and wide in the South and North. There were many teachers and masters that received His touch and transmitted such touch to His followers. Consequently, many Indian devotees started believing that all those subsequent teachers are also incarnations of Dattatreya. This is but a hyperbole with little truth in it.
This book contains some illustrations of reincarnations of Dattatreya such as Shirdi Sai Baba, Manikya Prabhu, Jesus the Christ and so on, which may be gently judged as the flamboyance of the over-enthusiastic devotion. Similarly, there is also mention of the visit of Srīpāda Srīvallabha to Shambhala, to the Pole Star and similar excursions which are left to the discretion of the reader.
The book is brought out as a true translation by the World Teacher Trust, primarily to communicate the existence of the Grand Cosmic Teaching Principle and its advent on Earth in Kali Yuga. The readers may approach the whole subject and accept whatever is acceptable to their conscience.
May this attempt serve its own purpose. The effort is a humble submission to the seekers of Truth without any claims or assertions.
As the great initiate Helena P. Blavatsky said, let “Gently to read and kindly to judge” be the approach.
K. Parvathi Kumar
Global Chairman
The World Teacher Trust
Thursday, 4th August, 2016
The Author and the Book
The biography of Srīpāda Srīvallabha (1320 – 1350) was written by a contemporary, Shankar Bhatt. While introducing the topic of the book — the events around the first incarnation of Lord Dattatreya in Kali Yuga, the present Dark Age — he presents himself as coming from Karnataka, a state in the south-western region of India. He calls himself an ignorant and illiterate person and humbly submits the entire work as an expression of Srīpāda’s divine will and blessing. Nevertheless, he is the author of a stupendous multi-faceted work of profound spirituality, well designed and written. Throughout the book, he maintains the stance of a reporter who endeavours to objectively describe what he witnesses and hears. He tries not to judge but to record events and encounters. He notes down his own experiences as well as the descriptions and teachings he hears from others. He is not writing from the perspective of an uninvolved observer but rather allows us to participate in his inner processes — his questions and doubts, his crises and tribulations, his awe and astonishment.
He was already on a pilgrimage before he begins writing of the book. From his remarks, we can infer that he had already walked at least 1000 kilometres following a hint from Srī Krishna to see the deity of Srī Kanyaka Parameswari in a temple at the southernmost point of India. Shankar Bhatt receives the call from her to visit her brother Srīpāda Srīvallabha in Kuruvapuram. The place is located on an island in the Krishna River, at a distance of about 1200 kilometres. Shankar Bhatt has never heard of Srīpāda before, but without any doubt, he immediately starts his epic journey totalling several thousand kilometres. It is the year 1336 — Srīpāda has just disappeared from His birthplace in Pīthikapuram and is at that time on a tour to Kashi (Benares) and the Himalayas by “yogic travelling”.
Shankar Bhatt is travelling by foot, sometimes by bullock carts or horse chariots — without luggage and money, not knowing how to reach the goal. He is living on alms and hospitality. He is sleeping at the places he comes along, experiencing hunger and life-threatening situations. He is walking alone or with co-travellers. He meets saints, frauds and robbers, farmers and merchants, kings, housewives and prostitutes. He encounters orthodox arrogance, sectarianism, lies, disputes and even complots against Srīpāda, which the latter dissolves in surprising ways.
Shankar Bhatt is a Brahmin, but his experiences teach him to overcome the barriers of caste and creed and feel the unity of all who are striving towards the divine. He undergoes deep transformations and is
carried forward on his initiatory journey by a fiery aspiration which is strengthened by his encounters with sublime siddhas and yogis. He interrogates them about profound spiritual topics and above all about their experiences with the divine, with Srīpāda Srīvallabha. Often, they knew beforehand through messages of Srīpāda or clairvoyant perceptions that Shankar Bhatt would be coming, and they willingly share with him fantastic stories about Srīpāda’s effulgent presence and his miraculous playful pastimes. He gets insights into previous incarnations of people reaching far back in time. And he learns about Srīpāda’s announcements of His own future incarnations as Narasimha Saraswati (1378 – 1459) and Swamī
Samartha (? – 1878). There are also many hints to future events some of which by now already belong to the past.
The book is full of unimaginable events, revelations and wonders, like cases of souls simultaneously incarnating in different bodies or numerous cases of bringing deceased persons back to life.
But the indisputable highlight is Shankar Bhatt’s personal encounter with Srīpāda, the goal of his search. The story does not end there. Shankar Bhatt continues his journey to other places Srīpāda sends him. Shankar Bhatt meets His family and friends and collects more astounding stories.
He finally comes to live with Srīpāda at Kuruvapuram. There, he looks after the numerous devotees coming to His wisdom teachings; he takes care of cooking and cleaning. When the food is not enough for all the visitors, Srīpāda sprinkles some water on it and it becomes inexhaustible. He is a first-hand witness of how Srīpāda consults, consoles and heals full of love and affection. He works on the biography with a tremendous memory about names and details of events. He writes the Charitāmrutam1 on Bhūrja Patra, bark leaves of the Indian birch tree. And he writes it in Sanskrit.
The book has a strange history: after the disappearance of Srīpāda, Shankar Bhatt continues to live in Kuruvapuram for three more years completing the text — and Srīpāda appears to him every night at midnight. After finishing the Charitāmrutam, he reads it with five persons. He knows from Srīpāda that it won’t be published immediately: after a Telugu version is created, his Sanskrit version will vanish and will be transported to a subterranean location under the birthplace of Srīpāda. The Telugu version will come to light in the 33rd generation of the family of Srīpāda’s maternal grandfather after a certain sign for this is given. Then the book will be published and it will be translated into many languages, including German. Srīpāda’s name will start spreading all over the world and millions of people will be attracted to His Samsthan, the temple at the birthplace of Srīpāda.
The sign for the reappearance of the book was given in 1999 to Malladi Govinda Deekshitulu, a member of the 33rd generation of the family of Srīpāda’s maternal grandfather. He copied the Telugu text from the old manuscript. Then he immersed the old copy in the Krishna River at Vijayawada as prophesied and brought a copy to the Samsthan for the publication of the book. You find the details in Mr. Deekshitulu’s description at the end of this book and also the words of Srī Sajjanagada Ramaswamy, the late spiritual leader of the Maha Samsthanam, giving more information.
We would like to express our gratitude to the following persons and institutions: to the late Mr. Malladi Govinda Deekshitulu for bringing the Srīpāda Srīvallabha Charitāmrutam to light; to Mrs. Lakshmi Nagasethu, who brought the book to our attention and established the contact with the Samsthan; to Srī Sajjanagada Ramaswamy and the President of the Maha Samsthanam, Pithapuram, for giving the translation and publishing rights; the translator of their English first publication, Mr. Perepa Sreeramamurthy, who also gave some help; to the President of the Srī Datta Vishwarupa Samhiti, Tadepalligudem, and Mr. Valavala Suryanarayana for giving the translation and publishing rights regarding their English publication done by Dr. J. Satyaprasad, who gave us his corrected version; to Mr. Keerthi Vallabha for sharing with us his ongoing English translation and Mr. Srinivas Oruganti for helping in this. The present edition was developed during the German translation; the revised text is mainly based on the first English publication of the Maha Samsthanam complemented by the other two translations. We received great help from Mr. Raveendra Nath Yasarapu by giving explanations of unknown terms and concepts; in this, Wikipedia and the German YogaWiki were also very useful. Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, the Global Chairman of the World Teacher Trust, wholeheartedly supported the publication.
The presence and guidance of Srīpāda Srīvallabha was clearly felt by all who worked on this translation; it is His work finding expression in this way. To Him belongs our deepest gratitude. May He continue to direct the book to the hearts of the readers.
The Publishers
© The Publisher (Resource available on the internet) – Shared by Shirdi Sai Baba Books.com (Member of SaiYugNetwork.com)
Sorry to say madam but the version published by world teacher trust is forged one.
Purchase authentic from mahasansthan or Swami Samarth kendra