Previously Posted
I have published this English edition which could best be called an adaptation of the original Marathi version, first published in 1966 and reprinted by me in 2006. While publishing this English edition an honest effort has been made to adhere to the original Marathi version.
I have published this book in English for a large section of the reading public and it is published with the intention of spreading the message of Lord Sai Baba as understood and experienced by my father late Dr. Keshav B. Gawankar, who was fortunate enough to have been blessed by Sai Baba in person when he was twelve years of age in the year 1918 i.e. before Sai Baba’s Samadhi.
This life is a complex web of emotions. For the mentally disturbed, financially weak, physically handicapped and for the many who face all sorts of difficulties in life, this book should be a source of immense strength and thus by reading His stories and Leelas, a change for the better may be brought about in the lives of the readers.
Last but not least, I thank the whole Gawankar family for supporting me in this noble endeavour. I also thank Mr. G. P. Sinha, Dr. V. R. Prabhu, Mrs. Sangeeta Joshi, Mr. Jimmy D. Talaty, Mr. Nandlal K. Punjabi, Mr. Abdul Hamid Shaikh, Mr. Dnyandeo Brid and Mr. Sachin P. Naik for their involvement, effort and contribution at various stages in completing this work.
In Lord Sai Baba I trust and seek His blessings for all of us.
Dr. Sainath K. Gawankar Kurla, Mumbai 400 070. (Date:2011)
If one thinks that there is nothing in this world or universe beyond scienc and logic, in their physical terms, he should be cautioned and asked to remove the blockages in his flow of thoughts. We know the question which i commonly asked to children just to amuse them, “What came first, an egg or a hen?” I suppose that the question is not merely a pass time game but triggers a chain of thoughts which may lead one to the kindergarten class of spirituality. In his autobiography, Paramahans Yoganand has said, “Where science ends, spirituality begins.”
To understand and comprehend Avatar Sai Baba and His Divinity one has to first go beyond logic and science and not confine oneself to just the restricted meaning of these terms. If one thinks that the universe is only that much as one perceives it through his senses and intellect he is making a grave mistake. He has to get rid of such ego and has to become most humble to learn “A, B, C” in the subject. Let us accept that Avatar, His miracles and powers are beyond our comprehension.
It was his design that Dr. Gawankar’s book “Shirdiche SaiBaba” came to me for translation from Marathi to English. When He is the ‘doer’ and even a leaf does not move without His command, how can I say that I am the translator? I can just say that He has chosen me as His instrument! It is my fortune and Prarabdha that His grace has flowed to me through Rev. Nana Paranjape, Dr. V. R. Prabhu, Dr. Gawankar (Junior), and Shri G. P. Sinha. I extend my sincere thanks to them for the trust they placed in me.
I have translated a few spiritual books from English into Marathi. When this book came to me for translation from Marathi into English, I accepted it as a challenge, because this was the first opportunity of its kind for me. Moreover I had a strong belief that my Sai is with me.
While at work, Baba has constantly provided me light, suggested appropriate words and has guided me throughout the text. When I went to Kurla (Mumbai) to Dr. Gawankar’s Clinic cum Sai Baba’s Mandir, I saw the place where Sai Baba had appeared and given Darshan to Gawankar family in 1954 i.e. after 36 years of His Samadhi. There He granted me an unusual experience. I was lucky to have Darshan of His “Kafni”, more or less 100 years old, which had been given to Dr. K. B. Gawankar, author of the original Marathi version.
He is Divine and Supreme but I am a mere instrument, worldly and prone to mistakes. Many errors and shortfalls must have slipped in because of my humanly limitations. I beg “Kshamaa” from Him for the same.
I am specially grateful to Dr. Prabhu who has generously guided me accuracy in my translation. It is very kind of him that he has always been my advisor and tutor in my Sadhana.
I humbly offer His work, which He got completed by me, at His Lotus Feet and pray to Him to shower His compassionate grace on every creation.
Mrs. Sangeeta V. Joshi
(The Translator)
A-1, Bhushan Apartments,
11/2 Karve Nagar, Vardhaman Nagari,
Near Cummins College,
Mobile No.:9665095653
© Author – Dr. Keshav Bhagwant Gavankar (Annasahib Gavankar) – Explicit Rights To Publish To Shirdi Sai Baba Books.com (Member of SaiYugNetwork.com)
Love you Deva! Jai Jai Sai!